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Praise for "St. Mark's Journey"


"In this detailed and vividly written history of one Episcopal parish in one Callifornia city, Bruce Merritt presents a compelling narrative that is at once site-specific as well as expressive of the larger history of the Episcopalian and urban experience in the California of the American Century."

              - KEVIN STARR, Author of Americans and the California Dream series


"This is a well-written and carefully researched history of an important church.  The book will speak to church members as well as those interested in local history.  A parish history at its best!"


                  Professor, Claremont School of Theology


"Bruce Merritt is a meticulous researcher and his writing is exceptional.  One hundred twenty-five years of Southern California history unfolds through the story of one church, St. Mark's Episcopal in Glendale, California."

             - KATHERINE PETERS-YAMADA, History Columnist, Glendale

                News-Press and author of Glendale, A Pictorial History, Centennial Edition

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